Our Story
What we do
We’re a privately owned and operated Māori family business that has been fishing for over 25 years in the Bay of Plenty. As the sole operator of a domestic purse seine fleet in New Zealand, we target small pelagic fish species including jack mackerel, blue mackerel, kahawai, skipjack tuna, and trevally.

How we started
Andy Rolleston founded Pelco in 1996 to target pelagic species. At that time there was little domestic market for the species and overseas supply routes were difficult to establish.
Andy chartered a vessel, Matariki II, which was an inshore purse seine vessel. The skipper was Andy’s friend and rugby mate from college, Peter Reid. A year later he purchased Matariki II.
In 1997, Pelco moved to a new processing facility at 32 Portside Drive, Mount Maunganui and built a cold store next door. This is where we operate from today.
The picture is of the Tauranga Boys College second XV team in 1965. Andy is in the second row, first on the left. Peter is sitting in the front holding the rugby ball. The team beat the first XV College team that year.
Our principles
Andy built the business on the principles of tikanga Maori (Maori custom) – doing things the right way. Do right by the people, do right by the resource, and they’ll do right by you.
Today, this hasn’t changed. Our aims are to look after our people and actively manage the pelagic fishery so there is a sustainable resource for generations to come – Mō tatou, ā mō kā uri ā muri ake nei (for us, and for our children after us).
The picture is of Andy and Denise Rolleston with the family. In the back row from left to right is Maureen, Denise and Nadia. Front row from left to right is Andrew, Andy and Marc.